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We are delighted to welcome you to the Family Practice

office of Dr. Rudman in the heart of Navarre. You will be greeted by Tammy, our front office specialist, who will be able to check you in and verify your insurance. This is your point of contact with our office. If you have any questions, if you need to reschedule an appointment or get worked in for an emergency, this is who you need! When calling our office, press "0" for this option. Tammy will be glad to find a time to suit your needs.


We have the luxury of having Penny, a talented RN, on our staff specifically to help coordinate care with other offices and specialists, especially for our Tricare beneficiaries. Penny also can assist you with any test results or refill requests you may have. Consider our RN to be your bridge between your visit with the doctor and any issues or questions you may have before or after the visit. For this option, press "3"from our automated system.


Dr. Rudman is pleased to have Haley work as his clinical nurse. A military spouse, Haley works directly with the physician and will register your vitals and run any tests ordered by the doctor. The clinical nurse will address any needs you have during your visit and is directly involved in your visit with the doctor. If you are returning a call specifically from the nurse, press "1". All other calls should ask for RN Penny in order to be processed quickly and efficiently.


When your visit is complete, Gina will be glad to schedule any followup visits you may need. She will also be the person who calls you with your friendly reminder about your visit. A new addition to our staff, she is aware of the high level of quality we demand- she has known our office for over 15 years!


As a member of the Florida Legislature, there will be times where Dr. Rudman may be called away to serve the citizens of Florida. We are fortunate to have so many local providers who are willing to provide coverage for us during those rare events. Thank you!


Our billing is handled essentially "in-house", locally. Your charges are filed electronically where possible to protect your privacy. If you do not understand your bill, or if you are having a problem with your insurance, we ask that you call your insurance company first. Every insurance is different, and they are best equipped to explain why they did or did not pay for a service. If you still have questions after contacting your carrier, you may press "5"to leave a message for Sophie, our biller. 

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